Students arriving at Thamesmead this morning to collect their GCSE results were delighted to find that they had gained the best results the school had ever achieved. 78% were awarded A*-C passes in five or more of their subjects including English and Maths and 31% of all grades were A* or A. Nine students achieved A or A* passes in all of their subjects with Daniele Cotton and Sophie Kilminster both gaining 11 A* grades. 90% of all students achieved grades of A*-C in English and 81% in Maths. Exceptionally high standards were also maintained in Music with 100% of the 45 students studying this GCSE gaining a pass grade.
Headteacher, Peter Rodin said, “This is a fantastic day for our students. They approached their exams with dedication and commitment and were well supported by their families and the staff here at Thamesmead. We are really delighted that so many have got the grades they need to be able to pursue their choice of training or college course. We wish them every success for the future.”