Drop Everything and Read Event
Thamesmead’s first ever DEAR event took place on Wednesday 10th February. With lockdown leaving us with little to do, all parents, students and teachers were invited to spend an evening at home with a good book to celebrate the joy of reading! Whether you read together or independently, on a kindle, tablet or an old-fashioned paperback book, it’s great to bring your family together and simply drop everything and read.
Curl up onto the sofa in your pyjamas or dress up for the occasion with dramatic readings (everyone loves fancy dress!) for at least 30 minutes…maybe you can make it a weekly family tradition?
Need inspiration with what to read or want tips to support reading at home? See attached our recommended reading list and top tips poster.
Download Bookzilla: Bookzilla is an app from The Scottish Book Trust which recommends books based on your child’s interests and reading trends. https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/reading-and-stories/bookzilla
Download from The National Academy: Students can access a free online book from a popular children’s author each week from The National Academy.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThamesmeadSchool @Thamesmead School
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThamesmeadSch
Miss Cook’s email address: h.cook@thamesmead.surrey.sch.uk
7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home
KS4 English Recommended Reading List
Continue to share your recommended reads on our Instgram page