There are opportunities to join the Governing Body for those who can bring professional expertise and experience to the role and who wish to help make Thamesmead an outstanding school in every way. If this is a role which interests you, please see the information below and contact the Governor Support Officer, Mrs L Kennard
Full Governing Body Meeting Schedule
Full Governing Body – Meeting Schedule 2024-2025
Committee Structure & Purpose 2024-2025
The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school;
- To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its students, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governors work closely with the Senior Leadership Team of the school, and other key members of the school community (including staff, parents and students) to school and student performance and ensure that resources are used appropriately to support the best possible education for every child at the school.
The Governing Body meets four times a year, and Committees normally meet once a term. Most meetings take place at 5pm and last for about two hours. Apart from preparing for and attending meetings, governors are expected to keep up to date on relevant educational matters and to attend regular training courses, (including online). A yearly development session and an Open Day allow the governors to plan for the future and to see and experience the school at work.
Most of the work of the Governing Body is carried out by committees:
- The Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare Committee has delegated responsibility which includes the monitoring of Safeguarding, ensures all students are able to enjoy equality of access to all aspects of the school’s curriculum, monitors personal development of students, well-being and has strategic overview on student behaviour, discipline and attendance.
- The Curriculum, Learning & Standards Committee focuses on the academic progress of students and seeks to assure the Governing Body that all students develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed .
- The Finance, Audit and Risk Committee advises the Governing Body on financial planning and strategy taking into consideration the resources available.
- The Admissions Committee monitors the annual admission process and determines the Planned Admission Number (PAN) every year taking into account the schools’ resources.
- The Pay & Staffing Committee focuses on implementation of the Pay Policy, with reference to staffing and budgets.
In addition, governors have specific roles to focus on such as Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Admissions and Careers.
Governors are actively involved in Community Engagement to ensure that the school maintains a high profile within the local community. This includes taking part in community events such as Remembrance Day, Big Tree Night and Shepperton Fair.