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Curriculum Information for Key Stage 3 students
“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.”
– Edwin Powell Hubble, The Nature of Science, 1954
Welcome to the Science department
The science department aims to deliver an interesting and stimulating curriculum that allows all students to achieve and enjoy. The curriculum enables students to develop secure knowledge and understanding of basic scientific principles and core investigative skills.
Through their scientific study students should understand and appreciate the importance and limitations of science, as well as gaining an awareness of the wider social, cultural, moral and economic factors that arise from scientific research.
Science should teach students skills that equip them for the wider world and the Thamesmead science department encourages a problem solving approach to scientific enquiry, including the ability to apply scientific knowledge to unfamiliar situations. Our schemes of work are designed to provide a range of learning experiences that match with student needs and capabilities across the whole ability range.
What topics will I study in KS3 (years 7, 8 & 9):

Can I study this at KS4?
All students will study Combined Science Trilogy in KS4. Those wishing to extend their knowledge can choose to take the Triple Science option which leads to GCSEs in the three separate Sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Are there any enrichment opportunities in school?
The Thamesmead Plus programme offers the Year 7 STEM club to further develop students’ interest in Science.
What could I do/read at home to help myself or where could I visit to help my learning?
Visiting Science and Natural History museums as well as Science exhibitions will help students with their learning and understanding of science. Scientific journals and tv programmes are good at supporting student’s natural curiosity and scientific vocabulary.
Useful websites: