Moving to Year 7

Moving to Year 7 – Advice for Parents & Students

Starting at secondary school can be both an exciting and daunting prospect for a child and their parents. We know that you and your child may have a long list of questions, worries and concerns. We hope that our Transfer programme will answer all of your questions and provide reassurance.

Information regarding the induction programme will be sent out at the beginning of May. Staff at Thamesmead will provide guidance and support for our new students so that they can cope with the demands of their new school, settle in quickly, make new friends and develop good learning habits

If you have any questions or concerns about the transition process you would like to discuss please contact the Admissions Office on 01932 219400 or email:

Students – What is new about secondary school?

  • You may have a longer journey to school.
  • The school buildings are much bigger and there will be more people around.
  • You will have different teachers and classrooms for different subjects.
  • You will follow a timetable of lessons each day of the week.
  • Some subjects will be new to you.
  • You will have more books, equipment and materials to look after.
  • There is a strict uniform and PE kit policy
  • You will use Microsoft teams for your homework
  • Break and lunch arrangements will be different.
  • There will be new rules and routines to learn.
  • New teams and activities will be available to join. Timetables are published on our website and are emailed with the weekly Thamesmead Talk newsletter.
  • You will be expected to be more independent, organised and responsible for yourself.
  • You will have new challenges and new opportunities.

Students – How to be prepared

  • Leave home on time each morning to arrive in school on time.
  • Check the night before, that you have everything you need for the day at school (e.g. books, equipment, materials, homework, notes, money).
  • Read your timetable to help you know what you need and what you will be learning each day.
  • Take care of your bag and other belongings in school throughout each day (use lockers if you need to – see homepage of the website for details on how to book a locker)
  • Make sure uniform is smart (and bring PE kit on the days it is needed).
  • Speak with your tutor if you have any concerns
  • Move quickly and sensibly between lessons walking in single file – arrive on time and enter the room ready to learn.
  • Ask your subject teachers to explain any parts of the lessons you do not understand
  • Use the Microsoft Teams app each night to make sure you have Home Learning completed and brought back to school at the right time.
  • Always follow instructions and rules which are necessary for good order and safety in a large school
  • Get involved in teams and clubs to help you enjoy all that school offers and make more new friends. Thamesmead Plus offers a range of activities that change every half term. Timetables are published on the website and with the Thamesmead Talk weekly newsletter.
  • Treat all others as you would wish to be treated; with respect.

Parents – How can you help too?

  • During the summer months try a ‘practice run’ of the journey to school. Make sure they know the walking route/bus or train journey and that they know how to be safe.
  • In the first week or so, try and be there to see your child off to school and be there when they return.
  • Speak regularly with your child about school life and work, keeping a careful eye while they settle in. Take an interest in new friends, routines and homework. Contact your child’s tutor if you have any concerns:
    • Write a note/send an email to the tutor
    • Telephone and leave a message with the school office
  • Assure them that they are not alone in feeling nervous and that problems can be overcome when we all work together. Try not to pass on your own concerns, worries or apprehensions.
  • Encourage your child to become more responsible and independent in being prepared for all school lessons and activities – but remind them that the staff are here to help
  • Support your child in a number important practical ways:
    • Getting up and ready for school each morning.
    • Encouraging good time keeping and regular attendance.
    • Keeping school informed about genuine reasons for absence.
    • Checking uniform and PE kit well in advance
    • Naming all items of clothing and other equipment.
    • Establishing and keeping routines at home which help prepare for each day in school (e.g. homework times, checking timetables, packing bags, keeping books and materials organised).
    • Having “space” at home for school materials and study.
    • Making sure books, materials and equipment are well looked after.
    • Taking an interest in learning by talking about lessons or viewing books.
    • Keeping school informed issues which affect your child.
    • Praising achievement and encouraging high, but realistic standards
    • Use the Parent Portal and the Microsoft Teams app to get information about your child’s progress and daily timetable.

Useful website links:

Surrey Admissions

Supporting the transition of students with Special Educational Needs or a Disability