Introduction for Parents
We always look forward to meeting parents and carers and those families who are looking to join Thamesmead School.
At the start of each academic year parents are invited to a Parent Participation Evening which will give details about the year that your child is about to commence. It will give you details about how we can work together to ensure that your child progresses well. Further information about these can be found here
We know that working closely with parents is key to ensuring that your children make good progress. Home-School expectations are agreed between parents, students and staff when you join Thamesmead School. Our Curriculum Newsletters will also give you detailed information about whatv students are studying each half term
We encourage regular communication with us and individual progress information is available online via our Parent Portal. Students can access Show My Homework and their Office 365 account from home enabling parents to take an active role in learning.
In line with our Home-School expectations we ask parents/carers to help and support by:
- Helping students achieve high standards of behaviour and attendance
- Encouraging students to always try their best and be ready for learning each day
- Maintaining close contacts with school, using staff email as a means of communication
- Attending Parents’ Progress Meetings and keep informed through Thamesmead Talk and the school website
- Participating in the Friends of Thamesmead (PTA)
The Surrey CC website has comprehensive information about supporting your child through all stages of their education including reading, homework, exam stress and choosing the next step. Follow this link for more information