We have a hardworking Friends of Thamesmead School (FoT) group which meets to discuss and co-ordinate supporting the school with various events and fundraising activities. They are an enthusiastic group of parents and local supporters who are keen to raise as much money as possible to help enhance Thamesmead students’ education experience. Parents are always welcome to get involved. The FoT meets either in school or at the Red Lion a couple of times per term.
Friends of Thamesmead Facebook page
You can reach the Friends of Thamesmead by email here thamesmeadpta@hotmail.co.uk
Pre-loved uniform
The FoT organise the sale of pre-loved uniform once a term (dates published in the Thamesmead Talk newsletter).
If you urgently need an item you can enquire indicating the chest size that you need via info@thamesmead.surrey.sch.uk
Nearly new blazers, black school jumpers, skirts and logo polo tops can be donated via the main office. (We no longer need any of the old style PE tops)
It’s very easy to raise money for Thamesmead by joining Easyfundraising at no extra cost to you. When you shop online, via their site, a donation is automatically made to the FoT charity. Thousands of popular retailers are part of the scheme. Click here to sign up Easyfundraising for Thamesmead
This 1 minute video shows just how easy it is
Hate sewing in name labels? Try STAMPTASTIC
Friends of Thamesmead receive commission for all orders placed through Stampstastic. Just use the code TW179EE to receive special discount
Annual Financial Report
The most recent AGM report can be found here with details of the funds raised and items purchased for the school. All parents are welcome to attend these meetings that are advertised through the Thamesmead Talk newsletter.
Friends of Thamesmead AGM Minutes January 2025
Annual General Meeting Agenda – 15th January 2024
Friends of Thamesmead – AGM Minutes November 2023
Roles of the FoT Committee
Typical events supported or run by Friends of Thamesmead:
Autumn Term
New Parents Events
Providing and serving a buffet for the GCSE presentation evening in November.
Providing/selling refreshments at the Autumn Concert and the Christmas Carol Concert.
Spring Term
Quiz Night
Supporting School plays & productions
Summer Term
The biggest fundraiser of the year: a refreshments stall at the Shepperton Fair in June. This is a very enjoyable day and we need as many volunteers as possible to put a stint in on the stall, throughout the day (setting up, preparing, serving or dismantling) to make the stall a success.
Providing/selling refreshments at the Summer Concerts
Join us now!
If you would like to get involved in supporting the FoT activities, please phone the school office 01932 219400, who can let you know when the next event or meeting is.
All new fundraising ideas are very welcome.