World Book Day – 4th March 2021

There’s so much going on for World Book Day on Thursday 4th March. Here’s how you can get involved…

Thamesmead Competitions

COSTUME – Brighten up your lockdown by dressing up as your favourite book character on world book day!
Send your photos to Miss Cook by Friday 5th March
Share on social media  #WorldBookDay #DEARThamesmead

BOOK COVER – Re-design a new front cover of your favourite book! You can do this by hand or on a computer.
Send your entry to Miss Cook by Friday 12th March
Share on social media #WorldBookDay #DEARThamesmead

BOOK TRAILER – Create your own trailer for your favourite book! You can use PowerPoint, MovieMaker or any other software. You can even draw a storyboard.
Send your photos to Miss Cook by Friday12th

External competitions, resources and links

£1 book tokens are digital this year. Print yours here…

World Book Day token

Create a book token to be in the chance of winning hundreds of pounds worth of books!
World Book Day wants you to share you reading your favourite books together so please share on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using #WorldBookDay #ShareAStory