Year 8 – High Ashurst

Year 8 Adventure to High Ashurst

On Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September, nearly 70 Year 8 students went to High Ashurst Outdoor Education Centre, enjoying a weekend of challenging activities and survival skills.

Students had the opportunity to develop team and communication skills as they negotiated a series of obstacles on a low rope course.  There was high drama as students clambered up a Jacob’s Ladder and jumped onto a trapeze twelve metres off the ground!  In addition to this, students learnt how to light a fire, brewed up some nettle tea and enjoyed some flame-grilled popcorn.  The food was great with several students having seconds and everyone had fun staying in tepees.

Overall, the weekend was a huge success with memorable experiences for us all.  There were smiles all round as parents/carers collected students on Sunday.