Students and parents should aspire to 100% attendance during their time at Thamesmead School. It is proven that attendance has a direct impact on progress in school and subsequently on exam results. Attendance of 90% may seem high, but equates to missing one day per fortnight and over your child’s school career could be six months of education. The school’s attendance target is 95.5%.
Guidelines given to schools by the DFES indicate that absence may only be authorised where:
- The Student is ill
- The absence is authorised by the school (e.g. medical appointments, interviews or other special circumstances)
- The student cannot attend due to unavoidable causes (e.g. stranded by flooding)
- Religious observance where applicable
- Absences will NOT be authorised for students to look after relatives or pets, waiting at home for deliveries/tradesmen, shopping trips (including for uniform), day trips or arrivals in school after the registers have closed
Absence procedures
We understand that there are occasions when a student is unwell and we therefore ask that you call the school each morning on 01932 219400 to let us know that your child cannot attend.
We respectfully request that wherever possible, appointments for medical and dental treatment are made outside of school hours or in the school holidays. If this is unavoidable and your child needs to leave school during the day, please write a note to the school to advise us of this and/or send an email to
Students will need to sign out at the school office and they can then be collected from the School Reception.
Unauthorised absences
It is the law for parents to ensure that their child attends school regularly. The law has recently provided local authorities with the power to serve parents with a Fixed Penalty Notice if a child has ten or more unauthorised absences (i.e. 5 days) in one term.
All absences are recorded and demonstrate to future employers, universities or colleges that the student has a poor record of attendance and as such show a lack of commitment to education and work.
Helping to encourage attendance
If your child appears reluctant to go to school, such as feigning illness or truanting we want to help as soon as we can. The Student Support Team at Thamesmead will be happy to talk to you and/or your child to solve any difficulties or problems that could be causing this reluctance. Parents should see if they can establish any cause at home, contact the school as soon as possible and if necessary seek help from the Educational Welfare Service or Home School Link Worker.
The full school Attendance Policy can be found by clicking below:
Holiday requests during school term time
The Education (Pupil Registration)(England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, which became law on 1st September 2013, state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.
In accordance with the above Regulations, requests for leave of absence are treated sympathetically, but only in exceptional circumstances can they be approved. The policy of Surrey County Council, to which this school has agreed, states that parents who take their child out of school for five days or more during term time, without the authority of the Headteacher, will each be liable to receive a penalty notice. Penalty Notices will be issued by the Local Authority.
Penalty Notices
With the introduction of the NEW National Regulations for Penalty Notices, the following is now applicable for Penalty Notice fines issued after 19th August 2024.
5 Consecutive Days of Term Time Leave Penalty Notice fines will be issued for term time leave of 5 consecutive days. Inset days are school days and will be included in the 5 or more consecutive days where there is intent to be absent for term time leave |
10 Sessions of Unauthorised Absence in a Ten Week Period Penalty Notice fines will be considered when there have been 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a 10 week period. (Each day is made up of 2 sessions – i.e.,morning registration and afternoon registration) |
Penalty Notice Fines Penalty Notice fines will be issued to each parent/carer for each absent child Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in Surrey County Council considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court. |
First Offence The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for term time leave or irregular attendance the amount will be: £160 per parent/carer per child if paid within 28 days Reduced to £80 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days |
Second Offence (within a 3 year rolling period activated from the date of the first PN) The second time a penalty Notice is issued for term time leave or irregular attendance the amount will be: £160 per parent/carer per child if paid within 28 days |
Third Offence (within a 3 year rolling period activated from the date of the first PN) The third time an offence is committed for term time leave or irregular attendance a Penalty Notice will NOT be issued and the case will be presented by Surrey County Council to the Magistrates’ Court for prosecution under s444 Education Act 1996. Magistrates’ fines can be up to £2,500 per parent/carer per child. Any Further Offences will repeat the third offence stage (as indicated above) |