At Thamesmead School we strive to help all students maximise their potential. We recognise that some students will require extra and additional support in order to achieve this. Each student regardless of their ability is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is relevant to their educational needs. As a fully inclusive school it is our aim that all students have their needs met within a caring and supportive environment.
School Offer & SEND Policy and Information Report
The questions relating to the School Offer for students with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) have been developed in co-production with parent carers and young people and ask the sorts of questions to which they want to know the answers.
The information provided in the link below will help show how children and young people with SEND are supported at Thamesmead.
SEND Information Report Local Offer Autumn 2024
SEND support waves Autumn 2024
Word Processor policy
Word Processor Policy Autumn 2024
Support for Families
Free School Meals
If you think you might be eligible for Free School Meals, please complete this form and return it to the school office as soon as you can. (email to
Walton & Hersham Foodbank
For more information log into
They have also installed a fridge freezer at St John’s Church in Walton and we will be able to give frozen, home cooked meals to those in real need in addition to their normal foodbank food parcels. These are going to be produced by the River House Barn volunteers in their kitchen and will be in single and large portion sizes.
Surrey Welfare Rights for SEND Students moving into adulthood
School Immunisation Service
Students will be offered a number of vaccinations throughout their time at Thamesmead, all administered by the Child and FAmily Health Team.
Details of the full programme offered can be found here
Financial Support for Internet Tariffs
If you are on a lower income you can get help with your Internet tariffs at home.
Family Information Directory
Parents can access a range of information on the Surrey website for Child care / SEND services / Leisure & Health / Help & Support / education / Social Care here
Support for parents with Neuro Diverse needs.
Navigating the Maze’ training by MindWorks Website – online course for parents who want to find out more about supporting students with Neuro diverse and Neurodevelopmental needs
Useful flash cards to download –
Surrey Cygnet Information & application form link (Families with autism)
Parent Pages
Keep up to date with news and issues that affect families with children aged 5-19 (25 for SEND)
Local Advice and Initiatives
Youth Counselling Service (for self referral)
Supporting children through the loss of a loved one
Surrey Care Trust
Support for vulnerable students and their families
National Autistic Society/ADHD Out of hours helpline
School Based Needs Services Out of Hours ADHD Parenting Support line.
Tel: 0300 222 5755 (option 4) The lines are free.
Out of hours supported by NAS (National Autistic Society) is available 5- 11pm, 7 days a week and in an emergency, the Emergency Duty Team and Crisis Line are available 24/7 during the weekend.
NAS Out of Hours Helpline: 0300 222 5755 (Option 3)
Emergency Duty Team: 01483 517898
Crisis line: 0800 915 4644
Talking Teens Parent Group
The Talking Teens Parent Group helps deal with those challenges so you can have a calmer, happier family life.
Catch 22 support
Catch22, Surrey Young people’s Substance Misuse Service, is a county-wide specialist treatment service for young people aged up to 25. They offer free and confidential advice and support.
Kooth – online support for Students
Elevate Life
Elevate Life has been created to support teens who find school difficult. Parents can also find it difficult to find the support they need, especially during secondary schooling when parents’ coffee mornings are few and far between and inaccessible altogether by working parents.
Free workshops are held across the local area to promote wellness and focus on reducing anxiety through gamification, mindfulness, other therapeutic techniques and study skills. A range of modules are also available to help develop the person so they are well-prepared for adult life.
Chat Health
A new service has recently been launched giving students the chance to text in confidence for Health Advice
Advice on Mental Health and Wellbeing
This leaflet contains useful information on Mental Health for parents of Secondary age school children
Mental Health – Secondary Parents leaflet
Following a trial in school with some of our Y7 students, many commented on how useful the meditation was. Regular practice of meditation has several beneficial effects on our children’s emotional, mental and intellectual development, and is something to encourage students in all year groups to practice. Below is the MP3 audio file – have a go at home! Click on the arrow to start.